How to digitally print promotional drinkware

Drinks bottles are an excellent way to promote your brand message. With so many different varieties available, you can customise everything from the colour of the bottle to how it’s branded. I’ve provided some helpful tips about branding below to help you make the right choice for your business’ drinkware design.

Promotional bottles can be printed using a variety of methods, including:


Screen printing – this method is the most widely available and cost-effective print technique if you are looking to print a basic design.  This is perfect for a 1 colour print but there are a few downsides. The colours translated with screen orienting won’t always be accurate and the overall design can lose some of the original clarity. This happens due to the need to utilise a different screen for each colour, resulting in alignment shifts and similarities.

Wrap printing – This drinks bottle technique is the best if you want to print a design that goes around the whole bottle. This is a great option for when you have a wide logo, or you want to print a lot of information on the bottle.

For example, designs that work best with wrap printing techniques are those that contain a lot of text that goes out of the imprint area. Wrap printing is basically a screen print or heat transfer with the only exception being the print is placed on a Pet film and then placed on a drinks bottle afterwards. Do keep in mind that some wrap prints may not fully go around the bottle, there may be a small gap between the beginning and the end which will impact your overall design.

Laser engraving – If you are printing on aluminium or stainless-steel bottles, laser engraving is probably the best technique.

This utilises mirrors that focus energy on a concentrated light beam. This beam is controlled by a machine used to engrave the desired design on to the drinks bottle. Engraving gives a classy depth, detail and texture to an individual bottle and although it can be more expensive than printing the design will last a lot longer. This process of branding can be very effective on a coloured bottle as the metal coms through from the base and can really make your design stand out.

Full colour transfer – There are several ways to print a bottle full colour, the most popular being offset printing and dye sublimation.

Offset – This uses four colours and involves wet ink and a printing plate. Basically, the inked image from a printing plate gets transferred to a rubber cylinder and then applied to the drinks bottle.

Dye Sublimation – This process is when you print onto transfer paper instead of a screen. The design is then put beside the drinks bottle and heated at a high temperature to transfer the desired design.

Full-colour transfers are the most expensive but will retain the most detail on your promotional drink bottles.

I hope you found this useful. For all your branded promotional drinks bottle enquiries please call us on 01234 344317 or email we’re here to help.