Any information provided to The Extra Step will be held securely, and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
To enable us to undertake work as instructed, we may need to share your information with our service providers, associated organisations and agents. Only relevant information shall be passed to these external organisations and we will never pass your information to third parties outside of this remit. Any data provided to these third parties will be used solely for the purpose of undertaking the operations for which they are intended, and does not permit the third parties to contact you in respect of anything else.
It may also be necessary for us to contact you with important updates regarding operational processes which may be relevant to your business with us.
As a valued contact of The Extra Step, we produce regular email bulletins that we feel may be of interest to you and of benefit to your organisation. These focus on industry updates and tips and advice on developing your bag business. If you wish to receive such correspondence please email you can unsubscribe from this list at any time via the ‘unsubscribe’ button on the email campaigns).
If you wish to receive a record of your personal information that we hold on file, please email your request, with the subject header ‘GDPR Information Request’ to or by telephoning us on 01234 344317. We will provide you with any relevant information within 30 days of your request.
To rectify or update any details that we hold at any time please email details of the amendments to be made to or telephone 01234 344317.
Any data that we hold will be stored securely throughout the period of your contract with us, and thereafter, on our in-house system unless notified otherwise.
If you have any further questions about our services or the way in which we process the data you provide us with, please speak with your Account Manager. Should you feel that your concerns or any enquiry regarding your personal data have not been handled sufficiently by ourselves, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Information you submit while registering, pages you have requested and your IP address may also be recorded by us and/or third parties from your browser.
We may create and access cookies (a piece of information like a ‘tag’ which is stored on your computer and allows us to identify if you have visited before) on your PC. Third party advertisers may also create and access cookies, which will be subject to their privacy policies – we accept no responsibility or liability for the use of such third parties’ cookies. If you do not wish cookies to be places on your PC, then they can be disabled in your web browser. The option to do so is normally found in your browser may hinder your use of other websites and interactive services.